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tv   Bay Area News at 7  KICU  December 18, 2013 7:00pm-7:31pm PST

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(sniffling and snorting) -- captions by vitac -- now at 7:00, more than a new passing grade for the new bay bridge, a milestone passed a that eases safety concerns. >> and i'll tell you which areas will be included in the wind advisory. >> happening now, well wishers gather to pray for a 13-year-old girl on life sport. their request for her mother before the vigil. >> the new bay bridge gets an important all clear. i'm gasia mikaelian. we begin tonight with new information about the eastern span of the bay bridge. a major milestone has been
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reached. three and a half months after that new bridge opened, just a few hours ago, caltrans announced the repair job on those giant safety bolts have been fixed and a permanent fix is in place. the steal saddles are functional and the temporary fix to let us open the bridge labor day weekend have been taken out. >> last summer about 30 of 100 bolts snapped or cracked as they were being tighted them. and tomorrow, the winds are picking up and that's easing concerns about the air we're breathing. the south bay with some of the worst. due to a fire in big sur and a scrap metal plant. we spoke with officials today.
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they're predicting the wind will clear the air. >> all of that sits in the bay area and builds up over time, it doesn't get blown out. >> we are expecting a wind advisory tonight. bill martin will be here at 7:20 with the timeline and he'll show us what else we can expect. firefighters in big sur say they're making progress, with 74% containment expected friday, at 100%. 22 buildings, 843 acres have burned and the cause is still under investigation. and families of a 13-year-old are gathering for a prayer vigil. it's the eighth grader who suffered and died during a
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tonsillectomy. he family has taken legal action to keep her on life sport though she is brain dead. children's hospital has not commented saying the family haven't authorized officials to share information. target is investigating a data breach that potentially involves millions of customers throughout the united states. the breach had happened sometime at the start of the busy black friday weekend and continued until at least december 6th. millions of in store credit card and debit card records were stolen from the database. shopper who is made purchases may be expected. if you allow retailers to e-mail you receipts, you've waived privacy rights. they can bombard with e-mails and collect your physical address and phone number. >> vowing to pressure the white house today took the first step
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in overhauling the way the national security administration conducts surveillance. make sure that we are collecting intelligence that servings our security needs in a way not just because we can. the president of the task force limits data collection. the release comes out on the schedule of president obama's meeting with silicone valley leaders, stripping the na to store telephone records, and having a third-party collect data and require in courts to provide individual to approve individual searches of phone and internet data. continuing coverage from john sasaki are weary about the
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proposed changes. >> reporter: gasia, everyone here has a cell phone and their use is what the nsa tracks but not if the panel has its way. when you make or receive a call, there are records of who you talked to, where you were, and how long it was, lots of revealing information. >> we're trying to have a private life. >> the own task force released today, 46 recommendations, which would increase oversight of the nsa and would stop the collect of telephone data. >> they didn't go insofar that it should be stopped leaving the door open for the information to be stored by private parties, telecoms or maybe a new entity and subsequently obtained by the nsa. >> if the government has to spy on people, that's fine. we got hit on 9/11.
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>> one task force raising recommendations putting the telecoms or other companies in charge of the data. >> i'd be concerned about the -- what kind of security there is with that. >> the recommendations follow a judge's ruling monday that nsa's current practice is illegal. >> it just kind of snow balled being secure about terrorists and went south from there. >> i don't think that's really right because that's a private matter and the government shouldn't really know about that because it's so personal. >> reporter: the electronic frontier foundation sued to stop the program in its entirety. >> go to to read the recommendations yourself under hot topics section. the economic recovery is far from complete, but growth could be coming over the next few years. the federal chairman said today during the final briefing on the
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economy. >> my expectation is for similar moderate steps going forward throughout most of 2014. his term ends soon. his expected successor fully sports the fed's decision. stocks soared after the fed's comments. dow was up 292 points, nasdaq by 46, the s&p 500 at 1810. fremont has seen a surge in street racing. rob ross reports businesses say cars burning rubber is fearful and illegal. >> when the police come, vroom. >> this man asked us not to show his face. he's designing what has become
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almost a nightly occurrence in part of fremont boulevard. he says drives use the parking lot as a staging area. evidence of donuts and empty alcohol bottles. >> drinking and driving, sooner or later, we'll have someone get hurt. >> some surveillance video taken from another parking lot in the distance that shows headlights from what may be as many as 100 cars on fremont boulevard. neighbors say it began slowly about a month ago but now it's growing. we drove along fremont boulevard and saw tire tracks every few feet. >> it's nighttime. they're trying quite fast, and it's causing a lot of trouble to whoever stays late. >> police have only recently become aware of the problem.
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officers will be in on over time. >> officers will go in late night hours to look for all violations. >> reporter: they don't know where the violations are and enforcements will be stepped up tonight. rob ross, ktvu channel 2 news. the side shows and drag racing may be the driving force behind auto theft. there's been a spike in test of cars that have ls 1 engines, pontiacs and some sports cars. its versatility makes it easy for thieves to sell. alameda county is a hotel spot. 40% stolen this -- hot spot. 40% were take then alameda county. police say the thieves used a van to tear an atm at fill more and jackson street in
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sfrarn. san francisco. the van went the wrong way on the lower deck. in the end, the suspects got away, but the van and the atm were found a short time later. a package thieve caught on camera in san jose. the victim posted this video on youtube to warn his neighbors. the video began with a woman getting out of a car about 3:00 yesterday afternoon at the corner of lincoln avenue and norville way. she then walks away after putting it in her bag. a south bay store owner flashes a seven figure smile. someone won the mega millions lottery. living under this dumpster is a problem for one bay area
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school district, cats, and hundreds of them. a wind advisory tonight for parts of the bay area. when it will start and when it will end.
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in the mission district, protestors sounded off against a wave of evictions. tom and his roommate are fighting an eviction notice. today, the mayor ordered city agencies to ex-died housing projects. the second winning ticket tonight sold in georgia, and san
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jose. as we report, the store owner is already hitting it big. >> $1 million. >> 37-year-old jgyen is $1 million richer after selling the ticket at the gift store he opened up with his wife four months ago. >> he was swarmed by national media. lottery officials called him to tell him it's one of two jackpots to win. >> makes people happy because i'm a lottery scratch seller, i make people happy and i'm right. right now, i'm more happy. people win the jackpot. >> soon, customers started showing up, buying tickets because they feel it's a lucky place now. >> i'm so happy for anybody who
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wins. i like to come and congratulate them. >> the father of 3 says he's going to buy a house. >> $1 million, i think i can do everything i want to do, you know. i'll make my family happy. >> lottery officials say if the winner comes forward and takes the lump sum, it will be split with the other winner. if they want cash up front, $173.8 million. if they want to get paid over 30 years, then it's $324 million. reporting from san jose, ktvu channel 2 news. more details. we already know who the winner is in georgia. she claimed her prize in atlanta. ms. curry bought her ticket at a small news stand and the numbers she picked were based on family birthdays. she'll be taking home $120 million. the news stand owner will only receive the commission for
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ticket sales, unlike the san jose ticket winner she won't get a bonus. congress got it done. a two-year budget was passed by the senate today. nine republican senators joined 55 democrats and voted for the bill last week. it restores about $63 billion in automatic spending cuts and reduces the deficit by more than $20 billion. the 49ers will be a preferred technology provider in santa clara from computers to sensors to security gear at the new levi stadium, also an in tell plaza with a fan experience zone. its head quarters is in santa clara. a south bay church has been found liable of the church on the hill responsible for the hard labor suffered by three
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girls at a daycare center. $125,000 will be paid to the families. keith woodhouse was fired for inappropriate behavior and sentenced to 30 years to life in prison for abusing nine children including those three girls. a robbery at a bingo fund raising event is not going to stop a high school band in san jose fanatic making its trip to europe. donations more than covered the money to pay for the band. it will go play in italy and england. large and small donations have totaled $15,000. the school says it's using the extra money to pay for after off duty police officer and security cameras at future bingo fundraisers. a group of marin students got a new look at their school today for the community school in san rafael. it's funded by state and federal
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money. the school's principal says giving a student at what's being built for them will change the perception about the school. students in staff at two east bay campuses admit they're fighting a losing battle with feril cats. >> there's one right in there. there's one looking at me in there. >> cats, for school maintenance worker jose casada. >> very dirty, they come out to try to eat something around here, but there's not much food here. >> there may be hundreds of cats living on the campuses of freedom high school in oakley and at liberty high in brentwood where they want the stone mascot out front. >> they leave a huge mess. it's all dried up. ferill cats have long made a
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home on these two cam puss campuses. anyone who thinks smell vision is a good idea isn't -- what i smell is cat food and cat urine. >> the cat sport network captured 158 cats on school grounds in just a few months. >> out of that number, there were 64 kittens into the adoption program. 90 were returned to the campuses. >> returning the animals to campus is humane, but it left the district with cats. the district paid the company $2,200 to remove the cats with limited results. >> so many of them. >> the district and nonprofit are working on a solution. the principal of freedom high says one thing is for sure they don't have a mouse problem.
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channel 2 news. our meteorologist is here to track temperatures. >> they're still kind of mild. these were the numbers, 64 in concord. there's one of the warm spots and then 65 in morgan hill. mountain view, 58 degrees. we had 70s not too long ago, now we're back into the 60s. tomorrow, we are in the 50s and low 60s. there goes that weather system. a few light sprinkles showed up in the north bay. the wind advisory for the hills of the north and east bay. that wind advisory will go into effect tonight at midnight and it will stay in effect until 6:00 tomorrow afternoon. it's going to be windy at the coast, as well. you've got the wind advisory and the hills of the north and east bay. it's going to do wonders for the air quality. we had a bunch of air quality days in a row, record numbers,
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and now that low pressure center cleans at the at -- out the atmosphere. the winds will start to fire up late, probably after midnight, 2, 3:00 in the morning. partly cloudy and windy at times. most notable along the coast and hills. the winds will keep temperatures on the mild side, some low 30s, mid-40s. 56 in napa tomorrow, 56 in fairfield. cooler than a few days ago. pacifica shgs, 57. these temperatures, pretty cool compared to a couple days ago. the wind comes in tomorrow, early tonight, in the five-day, friday, dies down, and the temperatures start to warm up.
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saturday and sunday, mid-60s. a nicer weather footprint as we go into the bay area weekend. no rain. five-day forecast is running dry. no rain in this five-day and maybe not in the next five-day, either. >> thanks, bill. a rather startling day when they found themselves being pulled over for no obvious reasons, but it wasn't a police cruiser; it was a motorcycle carrying santa claus that pulled them over. this is the 7th year the department held the motor santa event to hand out toys to unsuspecting drivers purchased by members of the traffic division and the oakland police motorcycle drill team. families in need get an important life line, how one holiday will help change the lives of four lucky families. and some might consider him ageless, but crossing a
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significant milestone. you can still watch on your computer, tablet or go to or get the ap app . [ female announcer ] here's to a whole world
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of happier holidays. time to enchant, delight and amaze. safeway will help you gather everyone 'round. a smoked, shank half ham is only 99 cents a pound. starbucks is just $6.99,
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that's a cup of good cheer. get sweet clementines for $4.99, enough for everyone here. turns out this season less is really so much more. so make your holiday merrier than ever before. safeway. ingredients for life. 2,000 children from deserving families are getting new wheels thanks to the san
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francisco firefighter toy program. they assembled the bicycles today from an anonymous donor. >> and four other bay area families of newly refurbished cars thanks to the cars of giving and mike's auto body presenting the keys to the families free of charge. the auto shopped received hundreds of applications from families in need of cars. this is the 13th annual give a away donated by insurance companies and refurbished by mike's auto body. brad pitt turned 50 today. he received five golden globe dominations. he got his big break in the 1991 film, thelma and louise.
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thank you for making ktvu your news. our coverage continues at 10:00. thieves are stealing packages from homes, a crime prevalent this time of year. we're always here for you at tmz is up next on tv 36.
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today on "tmz," >> today on "tmz," >> guys from "duck dynasty" are drawing a big distinction between a vagina and an anus. a vagina, as a man, would be more desirable than a man's anus. he's not saying that a man's anus is not desirable. >> he said it's more. >> he could take it or leave it maybe. >> you never know. >> justin bieber had a big radio interview and shows up and something follows him out of the van billowing smoke. he looks a little -- >> he's totally stoned. >> totally stoned.


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